Herbal Medicine in Temple Bar

Herbal Medicine

With Master-Herbalist Gemma Dixon

Herbal medicine is the study and exploration of the interactions between humans and plants. Herbal medicines are plant-based medicines made from differing combinations of plant parts e.g. leaves, flowers or roots.  Herbs are inexpensive, widely available and diverse in what they offer to us. 

Herbal medicine can help with:

  • Digestive issues
  • Fatigue
  • Sleep problems
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Immunity
  • Hormones
  • Energy Levels
  • Skin Health

*Link brings you to the booking page on Gemma’s website.

What does a herbal medicine consultation entail:

I will begin by asking you to share your health story and medical history. This will lead to more in-depth questions about your diet, lifestyle and emotional well-being.

Next I use an assessment technique called Iridolgy. This is a non invasive study of the Iris of your eye. Observing the iris gives me important insights about your physical and emotional health.

Finally, we will discuss your health goals and what you want to achieve. From here we will work together to develop a health plan that works for you and your lifestyle.


€70 per consultation

Your master-herbalist Gemma Dixon:

I am a Master Medical Herbalist passionate about taking a holistic approach to health.

Becoming a Master Herbalist is one of the most rewarding achievements of my life. My journey began over 8 years ago when I was in my late 20’s and living in London. Calls home to Ireland would often start with my mother telling me about neighbours and people I grew up with who were falling ill. This made me wonder, why was this happening so much and what could be the cause.

I began researching online and discovered articles and research papers about the benefits of natural holistic healing through nutrition, natural therapeutics and herbal medicine. I learned how this can help people take control of their health, well-being, and heal. I was hooked and devoured all of the information I could find on these topics. Within weeks I enrolled on a 3 month herbal medicine course in London completing the Dominion Herbal College Chartered Herbalist online program in 2013.

A year later I moved back to Ireland and after settling in Dublin I decided in 2015 to formalize my education by enrolling in The Master Herbalist program with The Irish School of Herbal Medicine. This was an intensive four year course and included 600 clinical hours where I learned to treat clients and prepare herbal remedies. Now as a qualified Master Herbalist I am here to help and guide you using my knowledge and experience to empower you to take back your health.

I believe that health and healing is rooted in the powerful connection between the body and mind. I see health issues as an invitation to explore this connection. From this starting point I believe true healing can begin. My role is to facilitate and supplement

the intuitive healing process of the body, by identifying and removing obstacles to good health and recovery and to support healing.

Gemma Dixon, master-herbalist