Temple Bar Yoga Teacher Training Overview



We are committed in Temple Bar Yoga to only bringing the best in yoga to Dublin. If you have a love for yoga, are a dedicated student, and want to go deeper into the practice, you will be in safe hands with us. TBY is a Yoga Alliance registered RYS200 school.

We are delighted to announce our fifteenth teacher-training program in TBY. If you are a regular in TBY’s yoga classes you will know that we are a close and caring community. This is also true of our training. The maximum number that we take on the course is 12, so you are assured of close attention and help from our teachers. The teachers involved in the course are some of the most experienced in Ireland, with close to 100 years experience between the 4 of us. We are all passionate about yoga, and this course reflects our desire to pass on our deep-rooted love and knowledge of the yoga path. It will be a comprehensive course, looking at all aspects of yoga – physical and spiritual. It is for serious students of yoga who already have a strong practice. We are not teaching you how to do yoga, we are teaching you how to deepen your understanding of the complete practice. This course is for dedicated students wanting to take their practice to the next level. For some that next level will be teaching. And indeed, a very large percentage of our past students are now teaching. But whether you intend to become a teacher or not, our course will give you confidence in your understanding of the yoga tradition.

Almost all modern yoga comes from the lineage of Krishnamachyara, and our lineage is traced back to him, that is why our course is called “Classical Yoga Training”. It will give you a strong understanding and knowledge of traditional yoga poses but we will not be teaching you in a specific “style” of yoga. We believe that the best method of learning to teach yoga in a particular way comes from your own personal practice. It is from self-practice that we can dig deep into the depths of the yoga practice, and from this we get confidence and understanding. We will be expecting all students to have their own home practice during the training. That is where the real learning comes in, and it never finishes. We are all students on the yoga path; there is a never-ending supply of knowledge, wisdom and questions to be got from it. But as full-time teachers with strong personal practices, our teachers on the course are well equipped to help you on your journey.

We are committed in Temple Bar Yoga studios to only bringing the best in yoga to Dublin. We have been doing it for many years, and we feel we are well equipped to share our experience and passion for what we do, with those who are truly interested in going deeper into the practice. So if you have a love for yoga, are a dedicated student, and want to go deeper into the practice, you will be in safe hands with us. Sometimes the first step in a journey can be the hardest, but once you decide to join our sangha (community), you’ll know that you made the right decision. There will most likely be tears, laughter, sore muscles, peace, stillness, sadness, and happiness during the course, but we will be there to help, support and guide.

Click links below for more details






Prerequisites and Application

The course covers:

  • Asana and Pranayama teaching techniques
  • Yoga philosophy, scriptures and mantra
  • Anatomy and Physiology
  • Kriyas

What our course will give you:

  • We will give you a grounding in the physical understanding of yoga, in the asanas and the anatomy. Each weekend of the course will include a strong practice of postures, an anatomical breakdown of them, and how to assist your students students in them.
  • Help in planning the sequencing of a class for all levels of students.
  • There will be specific time set aside to give you a good knowledge of the necessary anatomy, and not just what it is, but how it affects and applies to the yoga practice.
  • As yoga is much more then a physical activity, there will be considerable time given to the spiritual side of yoga. There will be study of yoga history, where it originated to the lineage that brought it to us today. We will be looking at the influential yoga scriptures, such as Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, the Bhagavad-Gita, the Upanishads.
  • We will teach about the subtle anatomy of yoga, such as the chakras, nadis and the energetic bodies.
  • Instruction in the kriyas, pranayama, meditation, and chanting will all form a continuing part of the course.
  • We will also help those intending to teach with the business aspects of being a yoga teacher in the modern world, how to promote classes etc.
  • On completion of the course, after passing all assessments and exams, we award our qualification, which is acredited by Yoga Alliance.
RYS 200


Having recently completed Samadhi's Yoga Teacher Training course, I cannot recommend it highly enough, whether you're looking to become a yoga teacher or simply want to deepen your own practice, Samadhi's YTT programme is the way to go.
The quality of teaching is second to none, with five senior teachers passing on their knowledge and expertise in their own unique way. Also, the support & motivation throughout the year was excellent, especially during the lockdown period when we needed it most, instead of losing hope we all knuckled down via Zoom and ended up coming out stronger than ever!!
Big thanks to all the team at Samadhi, the past year has been a truly transformative experience.
I wanna say thanks to the amazing teachers and my wonderful fellow trainees for a beautiful time together. Samadhi became my second home during the last 10 month and it will always be a special place to me. Every single one of you will keep a little space in my heart and when I practise on my mat it will always be with the memory of my yoga family and how it all began for me! In samadhi, with the most amazing people you can imagine, with everyone supporting each other and bringing out the best in each other. I feel very blessed and lucky to have chosen to do the teacher training in samadhi and to have met you guys! My appreciation for you guys is beyond words, what an overwhelming feeling of happiness to be part of such a wonderful group of people!"
What a fantastic 10 months these have been, we've been nurtured, guided and given the kick up the assana that we need at times and we have ourselves and each other to thank for it.
What a year! It was all I thought it was going to be and much more. The classes, the teachers, the fellow learners, the meltdowns, the frantic lunches and the light bulb moments, I loved the course, the intensity of it was challenging at times but thats what I loved about it too, it was such a focus for the year, it was eat, sleep and breath yoga and even though I am still practicing and teaching (pinching myself!) I didn't think I would say it but I miss it now!



Watch this space for details of TBY advanced teacher training.

Yoga Alliance 200 hour Yoga Training School